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射陽(yáng)宏旭探傷機制造有限公司-磁粉探傷機丨磁粉探傷儀丨退磁機 等產(chǎn)品均通過(guò):ISO9001:2000 認證,符合JB/T8290-2011標準,產(chǎn)品一律實(shí)行三包,“誠信鑄就品質(zhì),創(chuàng )新打造未來(lái)”是我們的經(jīng)營(yíng)理念,熱線(xiàn)電話(huà):0515-82354499。

網(wǎng)站首頁(yè) >> 常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題 >> 鋼球退磁測試報告


作者:宏旭退磁機 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016/8/18 17:54:48

Steel ball Demagnetization Test Report


Cuvettes Information for Demagnetization Test:


6 disks in total in the box:


In <Demagnetization Method>, 1-6 are expressed as cuvettes’ SN and their position in the box, in order to record the test result easily.


Demagnetizer Type: TC-8, Power: 380V, 50Hz, 11kw, Demagnetization window size: 350*400

退磁過(guò)程Demagnetization Process:



The box with 6 disks cuvettes passes through the demagnetizer, the time is 10s.

When the box passes through the demagnetizer, Disk 1 is on the top, Disk 6 is on the bottom, 3&4 are in the middle, so in theory, the demagnetization effect of 1&6 is the best, 3&4 is the worst.

退磁測試結果Demagnetization Test Result:


Disk 3 is OK, Disk is NOK.

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